Moving can be one of the most stressful times in our lives. Coordinating the transition of key services will ease the stress so you'll be able to enjoy the comforts of your new place. Here are contact information to important businesses to notify of your new address.

Board of Water Supply, 748-5030
City & County of Honolulu Dept. of Planning and Permitting (DPP), 768-8000
Hawaii Gas, (24-hour emergency) 526-0066
Hawaii State Department of Education
Oahu map - school locator
Hawaii State Dept. of Health, Emergency Services
Poison Control, (800) 222-1222
Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), 548-7311
Hawaiian TelCom (cable, internet, phone), 643-3456
Honolulu Star Advertiser, 538-6397
Honolulu Real Property Assessment Division, 768-3799
File a Homeowners Exemption
Refuse, Recycling, Bulky Item, 768-3200
Spectrum (cable, internet, phone)
New service or existing order, 643-1616
Customer support, 643-2100
State Office of Elections
United States Postal Service (USPS)
Forward mail
Change of address
Wastewater Sewage
Sewer Trouble, Sanitary Sewer Overflows, 768-7272
City & County of Honolulu Dept. of Planning and Permitting (DPP), 768-8000
Hawaii Gas, (24-hour emergency) 526-0066
Hawaii State Department of Education
Oahu map - school locator
Hawaii State Dept. of Health, Emergency Services
Poison Control, (800) 222-1222
Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), 548-7311
Hawaiian TelCom (cable, internet, phone), 643-3456
Honolulu Star Advertiser, 538-6397
Honolulu Real Property Assessment Division, 768-3799
File a Homeowners Exemption
Refuse, Recycling, Bulky Item, 768-3200
Spectrum (cable, internet, phone)
New service or existing order, 643-1616
Customer support, 643-2100
State Office of Elections
United States Postal Service (USPS)
Forward mail
Change of address
Wastewater Sewage
Sewer Trouble, Sanitary Sewer Overflows, 768-7272