Since 1993, Nelson has been involved in different areas of mortgage lending, first at Honolulu Mortgage Company then with Bank of America. He joined Primary Residential Mortgage in 2000, and currently manages two PRMI branches in Hawaii.
He lives and breathes mortgage. “When we help a young couple purchase their first home, help someone refinance to improve their cash-flow or help a senior gain financial peace-of-mind with a reverse mortgage, it makes the long hours all worthwhile!"
Together with his wife, 2 kids and 3 grandkids, he also loves his two Maltese Shih Tzus, Mika & Ellie, is an avid Elvis Presley fan and lives and dies by the fortunes (and misfortunes) of the San Francisco 49ers.
State Licenses:
NMLS # 299781
Hawaii - Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Division of Financial Institutions HI-3094. Departamento de Comercio y Asuntos del Consumidor de Hawái, División de Instituciones Financieras HI-3094.
Washington - Washington-Department of Financial Institutions CL-3094 (http://nmlsconsumeraccess.org/EntityDetails.aspx/COMPANY/3094). Washington-Departamento de Instituciones Financieras CL-3094 (http://nmlsconsumeraccess.org/EntityDetails.aspx/COMPANY/3094).